Mystery Tree #7
(click on each photo to enlarge image)
- Leaves: Large leaves (6 in. long), especially
the leaves near the top of the tree which are much larger; triangular
in shape with a long petiole; green on top and white below with rusty
- Fruit: capsules dangling on a stem that
pop open and have cottony tufts attached to tiny, black seeds.
- Twigs: stout, arranged alternately on branches;
the buds at the end of the twigs are large, pointed, sticky, and
smell sweet.
- Distribution: Found this tree along a watercourse
in the Willamette valley, western Oregon, but can be identified in
riparian areas from southeast Alaska to Baja California, and from
the Pacific Coast to the Dakotas.

To identify this tree, work your way
through the
Dichotomous Key.
If you already know the identity
of the Mystery Tree, go to the solution