Sycamore, Planetree (Platanus)
genus is known as sycamore in the United States and planetree almost
everywhere else. It is not native to Oregon, and is currently not
fully described
on this website.
- Leaves: Large, palm-shaped with pointed leaf tips.
Simple, alternate, and deciduous.
- Fruit: 1-inch balls of tiny, tufted seeds that
hang by long strings.
- Bark: Greenish-gray outer bark sheds and
exposes chalky, light patches of inner bark (which contrasts brilliantly
in a shadowed understory of a forest or park)
(click on each photo
to enlarge image)
For more information on this tree, check here:
Dendrology at Virginia Tech: Searchable
Fact Sheets
USDA Forest Service: Silvics
of North American Tree Species