Sweetgum (Liquidambar)
genus is native to the southeastern United States, not native to
Oregon, and is currently not fully described on this website.
- Leaves: Easily identified by its 5- to 7-pointed,
star-shaped leaves that change through a rainbow of colors
in the fall. Simple, deciduous, and alternate.
- Fruit: a peculiar spiny ball, golfball-sized,
that persists through winter on the tree; it is actually a round head
of beaked capsules, each capsule containing one to several hard black
seeds (winged or unwinged).
- Twigs: Develop thick, corky ridges
(click on each photo
to enlarge image)
For more information on this tree, check here:
Dendrology at Virginia Tech: Searchable
Fact Sheets
USDA Forest Service: Silvics
of North American Tree Species