Oregon State University
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Cypress (Cupressus)

  • Leaves are very tiny, and pressed tightly togetheraround the twig.
  • Most leaves are scale-like and blunt, although some may be pointed. A few branches may be dominated by sharp-pointed needles.
  • Round, woody cones are typically greater than 1/2" in diameter (resemble those of Port-Orford-cedar and Alaska-cedar, but are much larger and heavier).
  • Bark peels in thin strips, exposing shiny, reddish-brown inner bark.




Cypresses are attractive evergreen conifers that come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. Their scale-like foliage resembles that of the false cedars (except that the smallest sprays of cypress tend to be rounded rather than flat), and the junipers (except that cypresses do not commonly have sharp-pointed needles). Their round cones resemble those of Port-Orford- and Alaska-cedars, although cypress cones are much larger (often over 1/2 inch in diameter). Most cypresses are native to the Mediterranean region, the Himalayas, China. and the southwestern United States. Many cypresses are important cultivated plants because they are extremely drought-resistant. One species of cypress, the Baker cypress (Cupressus bakerii) is native to the Pacific Northwest.

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For more information on the cypress native to the Pacific Northwest, go to the species page or see "Trees to Know in Oregon".




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