Oregon State University
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home > honeylocust genus

Honeylocust (Gleditsia)

This genus is not native to Oregon and is currently not fully described on this website.


  • Leaves: Pinnately and doubly-pinnately compound leaves (gives the foliage a feathery appearance); alternate and deciduous.
  • Fruit: Long (sometimes 1 foot or more!), brown seed pods that are flat and curley-cue so that the wind can roll them along the ground, thereby redistributing the seeds distant from the "mother" tree.
  • Twigs: Some honeylocusts have huge, sharp, multi-pointed thorns, but most ornamental honelocusts were bred not to have them.
(click on each photo to enlarge image)

For more information on this tree, check here:

Dendrology at Virginia Tech: Searchable Fact Sheets

USDA Forest Service: Silvics of North American Tree Species

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